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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Doesn't look like the type of movie you'd watch? Not too into bad rom-coms? Well don't let this fool you. I don't really care for either Ashton Kutcher or Cameron Diaz at all, but that didn't stop me from liking this. I may have been too deep into the dvz to make a well informed decision, but I laughed a lot. Rob Corrdry plays a pretty prominent role and is amazing. Also Zach Galifianakis has a bunch of lines, as do Andy Daly and Dennis Miller. I probably shouldn't tell anyone to watch it because I think it's universally considered bad, but fuck it...bad movies are tight!

And another thing!

First of all, everyone knows that Rip Torn is the most fucking awesome dude ever (save the DUIs). Something no one knows is that he's fucking 78 years old!!!! He's been arresting 3 times for drunk driving! But now, to top it all off, he's in fucking jail for breaking into a bank with a loaded gun, drunk as shit. Think about that a little.

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